Flow school

5 Steps for a Spring Reset

Join me for this free one hour masterclass on ZOOM.

Join me on the 21st
Learn to

  • Release some stuck stagnant energy
  • Reduce stress and overwhelm
  • Implement Tools and strategies to feel fresh, organised, and shine with radiant good vibes
  • Have a plan to live your best life leading into summer

In the 60 minutes, I'll go through my own personal spring reset (because whoa did I need one - talk about a hot mess). I'll break it down in categories of mind, body, spirit, emotions, and space and teach you lots of tools, tips and tricks with my holistic inside-out approach.

At the end, I'll stick around if you have any specific questions or want guidance on anything. I'm here to help you work through this energy!

Sign up today to make sure you don't miss it. (Replay sent next day if you can't make the live).

Presented by


November 21, 2023
6:00pm Australian Eastern Time

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